If you are an MP, please email pledge@letusvote.org.uk to make sure we add your signature to the candidates' list.
In General Elections and in referendums such as the 2016 EU referendum, UK residents from countries outside of the Commonwealth and Ireland cannot vote. Neither can most UK citizens living abroad.
For long term foreign residents in the UK, the acquisition of British citizenship as a way to get the vote is often not an option due to extreme complexity and prohibitive costs.
All together, up to 10 million people are denied a vote by the current rules.
Whatever your views on party politics, crises such as the global pandemic show at key points our lives are at the hands of national governments. It is fundamentally wrong that so many millions of people are currently denied a vote and will have no say in how we rebuild society.
We, the undersigned, call on elected representatives to support the right of all UK residents, and of all UK citizens living abroad, to vote in future General Elections and referendums.